My novels, The Twin She Lost and The Guiltiest Secrets are published by Canelo, and the next one is coming soon.

I am haunted by the potential we have to be and do so much that we may or may never do, by the connections that run in and out of individual lives, by the shared humanity that binds us all – and yet is failing to protect our future on this planet.

My books tell the stories of individuals shaped by the cards they've been dealt and what happens when life turns an unexpected corner.



Achingly sexy, cosmopolitan, revelatory, disturbing and real.

Aidan Hartley

Compelling, evocative, sharply observed and exquisitely written. 

Amanda Jennings



About Shelan Rodger

Born in Nigeria, I grew up among an aboriginal community on the Tiwi Islands north of Australia, and moved to England at the age of eleven. After graduating in Modern Languages from Oxford, I spent nine years in Argentina, followed by a chapter in the UK and then six years on flower farms in Kenya, before moving to Spain, where I live in an Andalucían village that was once a gold mine.

My professional career has revolved around international education and I have recently qualified as a dramatherapist. My unprofessional career began at the age of nine with the unsolicited launch of ‘The Family Magazine’-  and has continued as quirkily ever since.

I care about authenticity, wilderness, empathy, and open doors.

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